The most difficult part of loving somebody is sacrificing what you want from them for what they need for themselves. I get the invaluably lucky treasure of living with my best friend, a word I never truly understood the meaning of until recently. She is considering moving back to the east coast for school, and although I don't want her to go nor do I fully agree she will be happy there, I want to encourage her in finding what she needs to realize her dreams. I told her I would go with her to visit the school in the east coast, along the way making a journey to some of the beautiful forests and lakes in Vermont. As nervous as I was walking my best friend into the possibility of our separation, the entire experience was bedded upon a week of lush forests ablaze with fall colors, silent canoe rides on a misty lake in the rain, and conversation with a creative mind like I've never seen in anybody else. I don't know where you will go next, but you are the most mature, intelligent, and coolest damn person I've ever met. I'm excited for the world once you hit your prime.
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