Teaming up with the Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park, a small team of science enthusiasts and artists have been working tirelessly to bring an artistic audience back to the Planetarium. In the late 1950s, the Academy of Sciences hosted a new type of planetarium show, an artistically driven audio visual experience. The technology and techniques behind this show were innovative and served one purpose, to melt minds. We tried to capture the mind bending essence of the original VORTEX show by translating it into modern aesthetic and technology. A team of friends combined forces to create a 20 minute show of original visuals and music. The images below are selected from my works, but additional pieces were created by Peter Clark, Chase Hochstatter, Chris Bjerre, Can Büyükberber, and Obscura Digital. The VORTEX 2.0 show ran as part of the Nightlife programming for a few months, and stands as the first step in creating a new artistic venue in San Francisco. With the support of the audience and Academy of Sciences, this show will evolve into a new platform for science inspired art and modern music.
Technical Information
4096 x 4096 pixels
4:55 Minutes
30 fps
Includes original score in stereo
Please contact me at bedtimesxxx@gmail for licensing
In The Dome
In the dome
In the dome
All original visuals and music by Bedtimes.
Special thanks to the California Academy of Sciences & Peter Arko